
Serving Lafayette, West Lafayette, & Surrounding Areas


Wabash Valley Exteriors

02 Oct, 2024
Here’s When It Might Be Time for a Roof Replacement “Near Me” Is your roof in need of replacement? It can sometimes be hard to know whether a roof repair will resolve any issues you may be experiencing or if it’s time to contact a roofer “near me” about a roof replacement. After all, some roofing damage is mainly cosmetic—while other issues point to much more severe problems. At Wabash Valley Exteriors, we are the go-to roofing experts for homeowners in Lafayette and West Lafayette. We feel it’s important to help our customers understand the warning signs of a failing roof—so that they can schedule a roofing inspection as soon as possible. Here are a few signs it may be time to replace your roof! Your roof has reached the end of its expected lifespan Sometimes severe storms and other unexpected sources of damage can cause a premature roof replacement However, even a well-maintained roof will need to be replaced eventually. As your roof ages, roofing problems become more difficult to solve effectively through repairs alone. While repairs are an excellent way to extend the life of your roof, they buy less and less time the closer your roof is to the end of its lifespan. Asphalt shingles, the most common residential roofing material, are likely to last anywhere from 15–30 years, depending on the quality of the shingle. If your roof is presenting problems and was installed more than 10–20 years ago, it’s more likely that it’s time for a replacement. Your roof is sagging Many types of roof damage are more cosmetic than structural. For example, it’s a simple repair to replace a few cracked or missing shingles. If your roof is visibly sagging, however, it’s time to schedule that roof replacement “near me” immediately. A sagging roof is a telltale sign of severe structural damage and problems with your roof. Roofs can sag for a few reasons, but most often sagging points toward rotted supporting beams. This results in not only a malfunctioning roof but a very dangerous situation that should be resolved right away. Water has entered your home or attic If droplets of water fall on your head when it rains, this is a very clear sign that your roof needs to be replaced. This situation is rare, however, as it takes a long time for a vulnerable roof to allow water into your home. One of the first interior spaces where signs of moisture intrusion will appear, however, is your attic. If you start to notice water stains on your attic ceiling, it’s time to call a roofer. Don’t forget to trust all your senses, either. Water penetration will result in mold and mildew that will give off a musty odor. If you notice these types of odors, the culprit is likely a compromised roof. Your energy bills have started to soar Heating and cooling bills will naturally fluctuate over the course of the year, as some seasons are typically more mild than others. However, if your energy bill has soared more than usual this summer, it could be a sign that your roof isn’t functioning as it should. See, roofs aren’t only meant to protect your home from rain and hail. A fully functioning roof also plays a vital role in regulating your home’s temperature. Roofs do this through a combination of insulation and proper ventilation—and if either of these parts of your roofing system aren’t working anymore, you’ll notice the difference on your next heating or cooling bill. Not Sure If You Need a Roof Replacement Near Me? Talk to the Experts! While some signs point to a clear need for a roof replacement, not every roofing issue is cause to tear down your roof and start over. However, determining whether a repair or a replacement will be more cost-effective for your home is difficult for anyone but a seasoned roofer.  The experienced roofing team here at Wabash Valley Exteriors has many years of experience helping Lafayette and West Lafayette homeowners get the most from their roofing system. Our thorough inspection process will diagnose all potential issues with your roofing system. After completing an inspection, we’ll provide a full report and discuss which options may be right for your unique roofing situation. In need of a roof inspection? The first step is to get in touch with us! Contact Wabash Valley Exteriors today to schedule your inspection.
02 Oct, 2024
Learn How to Identify Roof Damage from Wind—and What You Can Do About It Though often less obvious than hail, roof damage from sustained high wind speeds or sudden gusts can be every bit as severe. In extreme cases, high winds can fully tear off roofing materials, leaving your home exposed. But even less obvious damage can weaken your roof, leaving it vulnerable to further damage, or disrupt your roof’s overall performance. Roof damage from wind is a problem that all homeowners should know how to identify, and homeowners must also know what types of wind can damage their roof—as well as what steps to take following a wind storm. That’s why the trusted roofing experts at Wabash Valley Exteriors have put together this complete guide to wind damage. Let’s get started! Signs of Roof Damage from Wind Some signs of roof damage from wind are obvious, while others are more subtle. The most common signs of roof damage include loose or missing shingles, curled shingles, granule loss, divots or dents, and damaged flashing. It’s important to know a variety of signs to look for to more accurately assess the condition of your roof. Loose or Missing Shingles Perhaps the most clear-cut sign of roof damage from wind, loose or missing shingles are common as high winds pull at your roof’s shingles and may even tear them off entirely. Missing shingles are easy to spot. To identify loose shingles, look for shingles that appear misaligned or crooked. Curled Shingles Wind can also damage the shingles themselves without removing or loosening them. Curled shingles are a common result of high winds. While seemingly minor, curled shingles leave the underlying portion of your roof more exposed to the elements, particularly moisture. Granule Loss While difficult to identify on your roof itself, granule loss is essentially erosion of the outer, protective layer of your roof’s asphalt shingles. Look for excessive asphalt granules in your gutters, near downspouts, or around your roof line. Divots or Dents Dents are commonly associated with hail damage, but high winds can dent your roof as well. This is because gusts or sustained high winds can kick up debris and fling them against your home, including your roof. Damaged Flashing or Siding Since we don’t recommend climbing onto your roof, it may be difficult to identify some of the above signs of damage from the ground. However, you can also use other parts of your home as evidence that you’ve sustained roof damage from wind. If your home’s siding or flashing shows signs of wind damage, chances are your roof did not escape unscathed. How Fast Does Wind Need to Be to Damage a Roof? Wind speeds from 50–60 mph can begin to cause damage, but typically major roof damage will not occur until wind speeds approach 70–90 mph. Here’s what may happen to your roof at various wind speeds: ● 50–60 mph – Winds can begin causing damage, most often by knocking down tree limbs that impact your home. ● 60–70 mph – Winds may loosen or tear off shingles, especially shingles that were already loose. Debris damage is more likely. ● 70–90 mph – Severe roof wind damage is likely. Large branches or even older trees may be knocked down. Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Wind Damage? Most homeowners insurance policies cover wind damage to your home, as this is a common source of storm damage. However, every policy and provider is different with how they approach coverage from specific types of damage. If you live in an area susceptible to high winds, or if you’re simply unsure of your coverage for wind, hail, fire, and other types of damage, it’s best to ask your provider directly for more information. What To Do If Wind Has Damaged Your Roof As with most types of storm damage, it’s important to act quickly if you think your roof may have been affected by high winds. Leaving any type of roof damage unaddressed is never a good idea, as a compromised roof leaves your home vulnerable to moisture intrusion, structural damage, and many other unpleasant things. The first step should be to call a trusted roofing expert to schedule a roof inspection for wind damage. A trained professional will be able to identify and diagnose any type of wind damage on your roof. They’ll be able to determine the extent of the damage, make recommendations for repairs, and even help you decide whether filing an insurance claim is necessary.*  Call Wabash Valley Exteriors Today to Schedule Your Inspection! Wabash Valley Exteriors is the go-to expert for all forms of storm damage, including from major wind storms. Our team has years of experience completing thorough storm damage inspections and completing repairs and replacements to fully restore your home’s roofing system. As a family-owned business, our aim is to protect you and all of your loved ones—including your people, your plants, and your pets. If you’ve been affected by roof wind damage, contact us today to schedule an inspection!
02 Oct, 2024
Delaying a Lafayette Roof Repair Only Makes Sense in Rare Circumstances A roof repair is most effective when completed promptly, as this will prevent further damage to your roof or a premature roof replacement. Because of this, it’s almost never a good idea to delay a roof repair, as strong storms and inclement weather will take advantage of any weakness in your roof. That said, at Wabash Valley Exteriors we have come across rare circumstances where a roof repair could safely wait until spring, before the next storm season. Here’s when it may be safe to delay a roof repair—provided you’ve completed an inspection with a professional roofer. Damage Is Only Cosmetic Roof damage can be tricky. Sometimes, seemingly minor or subtle damage is actually a major vulnerability for your roof. In other cases, damage may look worse than it actually is. The main type of roof damage that may not necessitate an immediate repair is cosmetic damage. For example, while metal roofs are highly resistant to all types of storm damage, hail may leave dings and dents that look serious—but these rarely penetrate the roof’s surface. If this is the case for your roof, your roofer may give the all clear to complete your roof repair the following spring. Weather Isn’t Permitting On the other hand, more significant damage may not be wise to repair if there isn’t a wide enough weather window to complete the needed roofing work. For example, it’s very rare to complete a full roof replacement during the winter as there will be a period of time where your home is more vulnerable to the elements. In addition, certain roofing materials and products (such as glues) must be installed above a certain temperature. If temperatures have dropped too far, these materials will not set properly, leaving your roof less sound. How Do I Know If It’s Okay to Delay a Roof Repair? All that said, delaying a roof repair is never something to take lightly. It’s important to know you’re making the right decision for your roof. Here’s how to know if delaying a roof repair is okay. You’ve Consulted with a Professional Roofer The only person with the expertise to say whether a roof repair can be delayed until spring is a legitimate, professional roofer. Roofers have years of experience closely inspecting roofs for potential vulnerabilities. No matter your circumstances, it’s crucial to schedule an inspection immediately. If roof damage is major enough to require action now, they’ll advise you on the right path forward; if damage is minor or simply cannot be repaired under current weather conditions, they’ll help protect your home in the meantime. You’ve Taken Steps to Protect Your Home If a roof repair can’t be completed right now, it’s still important to protect your home as best you can. Your roofing partner should be able to install tarps or other protective elements to keep water from entering your home until the weather clears. You’re Still Within Your Insurance Window Many Lafayette residents assume a roof repair must be completed immediately in order to qualify for insurance coverage. However, while roof repairs should be completed promptly whenever possible, insurance companies may allow for up to a 12-month window to file a claim and repair damage. Even so, it’s important to check over your policy to make sure of the details. Always Schedule an Inspection Before Delaying a Lafayette Roof Repair! Even if roof damage seems minor on the surface, it could conceal much more significant problems lurking beneath. Because of this, it’s never a good idea to delay a roof repair without first consulting with a roofing professional. At Wabash Valley Exteriors, our team has decades of roofing experience and expertise in storm inspections and repairs. Our roofing contractors are available to fully assess the health of your roof and determine the next steps to take. Before winter arrives, be sure to schedule an inspection and complete any needed repairs!  Contact us today.
02 Oct, 2024
At Wabash Valley Exteriors, we empathize with the overwhelming and daunting experience of filing a homeowners’ claim, especially during a time when you are likely already stressed. However, we strongly believe that educating yourself about the insurance claims process can alleviate some of the intimidation and ultimately safeguard both you and your property. That’s precisely why we have dedicated today’s post to understanding the roof insurance claim process. Type of Insurance Policy Before getting into the claims process, it’s important to first familiarize yourself with your insurance policy. There are two main types of homeowners’ policies, and each uses a different method of calculating the value of your home and potential loss. Actual Cash Value (ACV) Actual cash value policies are not as widely used as replacement cost value (RCV) policies, but they are often more affordable due to their reduced coverage and higher depreciation. With these policies, the amount you receive for a claim is determined by the value of your property at the time of the loss. In other words, if your roof was damaged in a storm shortly after installation, you’ll likely receive a payment comparable to the cost of a new roof. However, older roofs will be valued much lower due to depreciation. As a result, policy holders typically incur much higher out of pocket costs with ACV policies. Replacement Cost Value (RCV) These policies tend to be a bit more expensive and, as a result, policy holders enjoy full replacement coverage. With an RCV policy, you will have a single out of pocket expense to cover your deductible, and your insurance provider then will step in to cover the remaining cost of your roof replacement. The Roof Insurance Claim Process There is no need to be intimidated by the insurance claims process; it’s actually quite straightforward and predictable. You can expect the entire process to follow this cadence: Professional Roof Inspection Before calling your insurance provider, you’ll first want to schedule an inspection with a professional roofer. This is critical for a number of reasons. You may find that you do not have roof damage extensive enough to warrant an insurance claim. However, should you find that you do need to file a claim, your inspection will provide a clear picture of the condition of your roof and give you a ballpark estimate for the extent of the damage. This information will be imperative for advocating for yourself as you interface with your insurance company. File Insurance Claim If you determine that you do have enough damage to substantiate an insurance claim, this is the time to reach out to your insurer. Carefully review your insurance policy and gather all necessary materials before filing your claim. Insurance Adjustments After filing a claim, you will be assigned an insurance adjuster who will be charged with inspecting your roof and any other portions of your property that may have sustained damage. Your adjuster will visit your property and determine the extent of the damage. During the walkthrough with your adjuster, it’s a good idea to have a roofer present. A professional roofer (particularly one who has already inspected your roof) will be able to point out damaged areas to your adjuster to ensure nothing is missed during the adjustment. First Insurance Estimate & Check Once your adjuster has surveyed the damage, they will provide an estimate for repairs and present you with your first check. Send Check to Mortgage Company If you have a mortgage company, you will need to send your check to them to have it endorsed. This is a very critical step in the process as it can prevent any delays from your mortgage company when it comes to repairing your roof. Construction At this point, roofing work can begin. Depending on the extent of the damage, your roof may simply need minor repairs or it may need to be fully replaced. In either case, your roofing contractor will order materials and begin the construction process. Complete Supplement Process Work with your contractor’s supplement department to ensure all project specs are accounted for and accurate. This is critical in ensuring that your roof repair or replacement is fully covered. Second Insurance Estimate & Check Once the supplement process is complete, you will receive your second and final check along with your final project scope. Close Your Project & Warranty Paperwork Once everything is complete, it’s time to close the job with your contractor and receive your final warranty paperwork. Want more information? We’re always here to provide insurance claim help for your home.
02 Oct, 2024
Understanding Hail Size and Its Impact on Roofs Hail can pose a significant threat to the integrity of your roof, and understanding the relationship between hail size and roof damage is crucial. As hail falls from the Denver sky, it can range in size from small pebbles to golf ball-sized or even larger projectiles, each with the potential to cause varying degrees of harm. When it comes to roof damage, the team of experts at Wabash Valley Exteriors understands the size of the hail is a key factor to consider. Generally, hail smaller than 1 inch in diameter is unlikely to cause significant damage, while hail larger than 1 inch can start to compromise the protective layers of your roof. Hail 1.5 inches or larger in diameter is often considered the threshold where roofs may require repairs or even replacement, depending on the severity of the impact. In areas prone to hailstorms, it’s important to be aware of the potential for hail damage and to take proactive measures to protect your roof. Regular inspections and timely repairs from a reputable, local roofing company can help mitigate the impact of hail and ensure the longevity of your roofing system. Common Hail Sizes in the Mid-West Area Hailstones come in various sizes, each packing a punch that can wreak havoc on your property. Here are some common hail sizes that can occur in this region: Pea-sized hail These small hailstones, typically measuring around 1/4 inch (6 mm) in diameter, are relatively common and can cause minor damage to vegetation and exposed surfaces. Marble-sized hail Hailstones ranging from 1/2 inch (13 mm) to 3/4 inch (19 mm) in diameter are considered marble-sized. These can cause dents in vehicles and damage to windows and roofs. Golf ball-sized hail Hailstones measuring around 1.5 inches (38 mm) to 1.75 inches (44 mm) in diameter are classified as golf ball-sized. These can cause significant damage to property, vehicles, and crops. Baseball-sized hail Hailstones reaching 2.5 inches (63 mm) to 2.75 inches (70 mm) in diameter are considered baseball-sized. These are relatively rare but can be extremely destructive, capable of breaking windows, denting vehicles, and causing structural damage to buildings. Grapefruit-sized hail In extreme cases, hailstones can reach the size of a grapefruit, measuring around 4 inches (102 mm) or more in diameter. These massive hailstones are highly destructive and can pose a serious threat to human safety. It’s important to note that while smaller hail sizes are more common, larger hailstones can occur during severe storms in the Denver metro area. Seeking shelter and protecting property is crucial when hailstorms are forecasted or occurring in the region.  Expert Tips to Protect Your Lafayette Roof from Hail Damage Choose Hail-Resistant Roofing Materials: Opt for impact-resistant shingles or metal roofing, which are designed to withstand the force of hailstones. These materials can provide superior protection and reduce the risk of costly repairs down the line. Regularly Inspect and Maintain Your Roof: Conduct routine inspections to identify any existing damage or weak spots that could worsen during a hailstorm. Address issues promptly to ensure your roof remains in top condition. Trim Overhanging Branches: Keep trees and shrubs around your home well-trimmed to prevent falling branches or debris from damaging your roof during a hailstorm. Consider a Roof Upgrade: If your current roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, consider upgrading to a hail-resistant roofing system for long-term protection. Remember, addressing hail damage promptly can prevent more extensive and costly repairs in the future. If your home was recently damaged by an Indiana hailstorm, contact the trusted professionals at Wabash Valley Exteriors to get your roof back on track.
02 Oct, 2024
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roof installation
05 Jul, 2024
Are you in need of a roof installation? Here are some tips for finding the right company to do it. Let's take a look for more information!
local roofing companies
28 May, 2024
It can be hard to choose what kind of roof you would like installed by local roofing companies. Here's an overview of a few types for you to look at.
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